Join One of the Fastest Growing Real Estate Teams in Lansing

How would your life change if you consistently earned $60,000, $75,000, $100,000 or more as a full-time real estate agent?
Jeff Burke
Jeff Burke

Dear Real Estate Agent,

If you’re reading this, you are probably a humble, hungry and honest person looking for a better way to make your real estate career more successful, or you’re a brand-new agent.

Let me make a quick guess about your current circumstances: You probably aren’t getting the support that you need to advance your career. A lack of clarity and focus is a pervasive problem in this industry. You can buy all the training and systems you want, but they won’t do anything for you if you don’t understand them.

Many brokerages don’t offer the leads, training, coaching, accountability, or structure required to succeed. In fact, 87% of real estate agents will fail to achieve the level of success they want and leave the industry within their first 12 months.Locally, 297 of our nearly 1200 agents licensed didn’t sell any homes in the last quarter of 2021.

You might long for a kind of lifestyle that your current job can’t afford you—the freedom to maintain your life outside of work as you please, the money to support your family as well as your personal goals, and the time to make all of it a reality.

If you’re kept awake at night because you live paycheck to paycheck, and you can’t guarantee where your next check will come from, you probably long for the weight of looming bills to leave your shoulders. You yearn for guidance about what to do next and when to do it.

Perhaps you’ve already sought out a solution to these problems. There are numerous companies out there that promise to deliver quality leads or offer some magic set of systems that will turn your business into a conglomerate. The trouble is, many of these are merely marketing mirages designed only to recruit you, not to nurture your professional and personal interests. If you’re spending money on marketing but you don’t know how to market, you’re setting yourself up to fail.

If you don’t do something different with your career, you’ll probably wind up like the rest of the 87% of the business—admitting defeat and leaving the industry forever. You’ll go back to a regular job, forego the comfortable lifestyle you always dreamed of, and start worrying about making ends meet once again. You’ll continue to go further into debt, and stress will become unbearable.

Don’t let your frustrations, anxieties, and past misfortunes get you down. There is a solution to your problems, and it doesn’t involve letting the real estate business break you:

I’d like to invite you in for a discussion about becoming a member of our brokerage.

My name is Jeff Burke, and I’ve seen success in this business from literally day one. I started on the path to becoming a doctor and working as a respiratory therapist in college, but I ended up getting married, having a kid, and I was offered a position at a company that helped us buy our first house. I got licensed as we were going through the buying process, and I sold $697,000 in volume on my first day as an official agent. Since then, I’ve run and built multiple teams over my 27 years in the business. I’ve sold over 1,200 homes in the last five years alone, and over 200 homes in 2021. I know what training you need and what systems you need to implement so that you don’t make the same mistakes that many agents do. If you join me, I can help take your career to new heights.

What makes my team different from the rest? Well, we don’t offer smoke and mirrors to the agents we recruit. Our agents average seven transactions within their first 45 days, and it’s chiefly due to how we onboard and train them.

We’ve built a proven, repeatable system that can take average agents and turn them into extraordinary agents. We provide structure, support, and training that will give you the knowledge you need to be successful and get into production immediately.

Let me be more specific about what my team has to offer:

  • Individual coaching
  • Individual training for your first 60 days
  • A non-competing broker (me)
  • Consistent leads always in rotation
  • Daily, weekly, and monthly goal-setting
  • Full-time transaction coordinators
  • Full-time ISAs prospecting for leads on your behalf
  • Billboard and T.V. advertising
  • Shadowing and paid internships for new agents
  • Industry-leading CRM

By joining our brokerage, you’ll experience strong and sustainable career growth, as well as access to the knowledge and freedom you desire. This is all achievable through the training we provide, our proven systems, and the staff we use to help you leverage your time and convert leads into clients.

If you take me up on my offer to have a discussion about whether our team is right for you, I’d be glad to show you that we’re not all just talk—we can prove that what we say actually happens.

Don’t just take my word for it. Consider the stories of Kaleb, Dave, Ryan, and Katrina.

Kaleb is a 21-year old agent on our team who just got into the business. In his first nine months, he did 39 transactions for $8.3 Million in volume, making over $100,000 In GCI in that time.

Dave was in the mortgage industry for 20+ years before deciding to make the leap to real estate. He did 22 transactions in his first year for $4 million and had seven transactions within his first 45 days on the team.

Ryan worked in sales at AT&T, took the leap to real estate, and hasn’t looked back since. He’s replaced his income and then some. He did 23 transactions in his first year and is now ready to make an even bigger jump in year two.

Finally, Katrina is another agent who made the jump from a different industry. In her first six months, she closed 13 transactions for over $2.3 Million.

Their success stories are incredible, but now it’s time to write your own.

Here’s my offer: If you join me, I’ll mentor you into a high level of production quickly. If you are willing to work for it, you can make $100,000 in your first year alone on our team.

Then again, you could also elect to go a different route. But I’ll warn you: Other big-box brokerages often foster a dog-eat-dog atmosphere in which you’re technically a part of the brand, but you’re still left to succeed (or fail) on your own. Many will spend their time calling or texting you so they can recruit you, but don’t provide the resources you need to grow your business. Others still will promise you quality leads but, in reality, will provide you with weak social media leads from people who aren’t really interested in buying or selling homes.

The choice is yours: Face an uncertain industry full of mirages and false promises on your own—or become an agent on our team. If you join us, I’ll be invested in your success from day one.

When you join our team, the onboarding process starts right away. We have a 60-day training program, with daily tasks and homework for you to complete. We’ll open up the training library for you, and I’ll teach you every aspect of real estate from there. If you’re a new agent, we’ll get you into our paid internship program. If you touch it, you get paid for it. This gets agents making money right out of the gate within your first 30 to 45 days. Then we’ll get you our scripts so you can master them, get you on the phones, and get you into production.

I guarantee that I’ll teach you everything that I know that has allowed me to be successful at a higher level. I’ll give you all the tools, training, and support you need.

If your interest has been piqued, I urge you to act quickly. The sooner you join, the sooner you can start making money. There is an inventory shortage out there in our market, interest rates are going up, and they’re expected to go up even higher. If you don’t have your business system in place before then, you’ll get crushed.

Let’s have a conversation about joining our team at your earliest convenience. I hope to hear from you soon!

Jeff Burke

P.S. Here are some of the most commonly asked questions I receive about working here…

  • What are the commission splits? 50/50 on the buyer's side. 60/40 on the listing side
  • Can I work another job while doing this? You can, but you still need to be totally committed to our training
  • How long does it take to get into production? Within the first 45 days, you’re making money
  • What are the team expectations? Motivated, Accountable, Dependable, and a Team Player.
  • What fees do you charge? No fees from JBA, 35.00/month to KW and reduced company cap for being on a team
  • How much money does it take to start my real estate career? Avg. $1000-$2000 (inquire below for reimbursement towards your KW 40hr Real Estate class)
  • How do I leave from another brokerage and not burn a bridge? I appreciate all the opportunities you’ve provided me here, but I’ve made a business decision that I feel is best for me, my business, my family, and my future in Real Estate. Thanks again, and appreciate you respecting my decision.

I would love to speak with you further about the answers to all of these questions if you’re curious. Just reach out.