Ashley Corr talks about her impressive start in her real estate career.

We are thrilled to introduce you to one of our newest agents, Ashley Corr. Having completed her rigorous real estate training, Ashley has been an invaluable part of our team for over two and a half months. Today, we shine the spotlight on her incredible journey in the world of real estate.

Prior to being an agent, Ashley had been working in the property management industry. It was an experience she enjoyed but she desired something more entrepreneurial, leading her to explore the world of real estate.

As she looked for opportunities to venture into the field, she discovered Jeff Burke and decided to meet with him. Learning about the 60-day training program, personalized mentorship with a dedicated trainer, and the chance to learn directly from Jeff himself, Ashley was motivated to take the plunge.

“Ashley attributes her positive experience to the exceptional culture within the team.”

In her first 60 days as a real estate agent, Ashley impressively participated in 14 transactions, far surpassing the average agent’s annual performance of 6 to 8 transactions. ** ** The comprehensive support provided by Jeff Burke and Associates, including a transaction coordinator and administrative assistance, played a pivotal role in her swift success and smooth transition into the field.

Ashley attributes her positive experience to the exceptional culture within the team. The environment is both encouraging and competitive, which keeps agents like her focused on their goals. She wholeheartedly recommends others to join Jeff Burke and Associates for the outstanding training program, unwavering support, and invaluable mentorship opportunities it offers.

Ashley is eagerly waiting to assist you with all your real estate needs. Whether you have questions or need guidance, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. Call or email anytime, and we will be more than happy to help you on your own journey to success in the real estate market!