Three tips for proper pricing to get top dollar for your seller in this market.

It’s vital to price a home correctly because the price can make or break the sale. Here are three tips for when you’re pricing a home for a seller:

1. Sentimental value. Some sellers get caught up in the sentimental value or think that every project they’ve done will bring a dollar-for-dollar return on investment. It’s time for a new family to make their memories.

2. Overpricing. Don’t overprice a home and chase the market. You’ll only be pushing buyers to your competition instead of having your competition push buyers to you.

3. Look at comparables. Do all of your research and gather all the empirical data to ensure that your pricing strategy is correct. I typically search back 12 months, but if there are homes that have sold within the last three to six months, I give those more attention. Take as many sold comparables as you can, do the adjustments, average the price, and this will give you the fair market value.

I hope these strategies help a home sell more quickly and for top dollar. If you have any questions, contact me via phone or email. I’m happy to help.