Our Mission on this site is to educate Real Estate Agents on how to sell more homes.

Busy or Productive: Are You Really Working 40 Hours?

  • Busy or Productive: Are You Really Working 40 Hours?

    The key to boosting your productivity comes down to these two tips.

Getting Back to Basics: How To Thrive in This Market

  • Getting Back to Basics: How To Thrive in This Market

    There are three essential things that you need to do to win in this market.

Video Content You Need To Make

  • Video Content You Need To Make

    Three kinds of videos you need to be making and sending to your database.

Let Kaleb Burke Tell You About Our Big New Expansion

  • Let Kaleb Burke Tell You About Our Big New Expansion

    Kaleb explains how our expansion is opening doors and conquering the market.

We Are Officially Expanding Into Grand Rapids!

  • We Are Officially Expanding Into Grand Rapids!

    Jeff Burke & Associates is officially expanding into Grand Rapids.

Helping Your Clients Make Informed Decisions in Today's Market

  • Helping Your Clients Make Informed Decisions in Today's Market

    Here are some tips to help educate sellers about the shifting market.

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